• Chris

    Tja, zelfs op dit forum zijn de berichten erg tegenstrijdig. Maar idd, de Chinese overheid heeft te lang de kop in het zand gestoken. We hebben besloten om een maand te wachten met het boeken van onze reis, mocht er dan nog te veel onduidelijkheid zijn dan gaan we dit jaar in ieder geval niet. Maar ik moet zeggen dat de berichten van vandaag al een iets positiever beeld op het geheel werpen. Het aantal gemelde SARS gevallen is al gedaald ten op zichte van vorige week en er zijn al een hoeveelheid mensen genezen verklaard. Verder is iedereen natuurlijk erg waakzaam. Wel is het erg beangstigend dat het zo besmettelijk is, ik vraag me af in hoeverre je zoiets kunt afremmen. Het mooiste zou zijn dat ze een vaccin vinden, dan is de situatie grotendeels opgelost. ff een shotje halen en op vakantie maar!!!

    Ik hoop gewoon dat de situatie binnen een korte periode verbeterd, niet alleen voor mezelf maar ook zeker voor mensen die direct met de situatie te maken hebben!!!!

  • fien

    hoe kom je erbij dat het aantal gevallen gedaald is??? kijk eens op de website van World Health Organization!

  • chris

    lezen!!!! ten opzichte van vorige week!!

  • Greet

    bovendien is er de komende 2/3 jaar zeker nog geen vaccin tegen

  • China Daily update

    SARS spread contained - Premier

    (April 07,2003 )(China Daily)

    The Chinese Government had contained the spread of atypical pneumonia, known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Premier Wen Jiabao said Sunday.

    "The central government has paid great attention to the SARS epidemic and has taken a series of prevention and control measures which have achieved obvious progress,'' Wen said as he inspected the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    As of April 5, a total of 1,247 SARS cases, including 51 deaths, had been recorded in China. The numbers had increased by 57 infections and five deaths on the tally released by Health Minister Zhang Wenkang on April 3.

    In Beijing, two foreigners have contracted the disease – the first such infections among non-Chinese nationals in the country since the outbreak began last November in South China's Guangdong Province, Guo Jiyong, deputy director of Beijing Health Bureau, told a press conference jointly held by his bureau and the Ministry of Health.

    Wen asked governments at various levels to give top priority to preventing and controlling the disease.

    He said China's economy was still growing, society remained stable, and work and home life continued as normal, despite the disease. Most regions in China had recorded no cases of SARS, and where there were infections, the epidemic was under control, Wen said.

    "The Chinese Government and people warmly welcome people from various countries to come to travel, visit and do businesses in China, and we will take every possible measure to protect their health,'' Wen said.

    A total of 934 atypical pneumonia patients – of the 1190 reported on April 3 – have recovered after receiving medical treatment.

    As of Sunday, a total of 2,416 SARS cases and 89 deaths had been reported in 18 countries and regions worldwide. This represents an increase of 63 cases and five deaths since April 4, according to a WHO report.

    Most of the newly reported victims of SARS are from Guangdong, said Qi Xiaoqiu, director of the Disease Control Department of the Ministry of Health, at the press conference.

    Beijing has recorded 19 cases, including four patients who have died of the disease, Guo Jiyong said.

    Pekka Aro, director of the International Labour Organization in Focus Programme on Skills, Knowledge and Employability, died of SARS in Beijing's Ditan Hospital early Sunday.

    A Canadian is also being treated for atypical pneumonia in Beijing. But officials have not said anything more about the Canadian.

    Every possible effort was made to treat Aro, a 53-year-old Finlander, said Liu Peilong, director of the Department of International Co-operation with the Ministry of Health.

    Liu said Aro had been a good friend to China.

    "We feel deeply sorrow over the death of Pekka Aro,'' Liu told the press conference.

    Aro left Geneva on March 17 and stayed in Bangkok in Thailand between March 18 and 23. He arrived in Beijing on March 23 on a Thai Airways international flight to prepare for a forum on employment.

    He came down with a fever and a dry cough on March 28, and immediately went to see doctors at an international medical centre in Beijing.

    On April 3, he was diagnosed as a SARS patient by a special medical group including top experts in the disease.

    Aro's infection came from outside of Beijing, said Guo Jiyong of Beijing Health Bureau.

    Guo said that Aro himself believed he caught the disease during his international flight.

    No one who was in contact with Aro after his arrival in Beijing has been found to be infected with SARS, Guo said.

    Beijing health authorities have also been following up those who were on the same flight with and in contact with Aro in Beijing and monitoring their health to prevent the epidemic from spreading.

    They have been advised to pay more attention to possible symptoms to protect themselves and others, Guo noted.

  • Alex

    Tja, persoonlijk heb ik toch meer vertrouwen in het oordeel van de WHO dan premier Wen….


  • Danny

    Ongelofelijk dat de regering tot op gisteren op de tv, mensen aan blijft moedigen om in de mei vakantie (1 t/m 6 mei) lekker veel te reizen en geld uit te geven.

    Men blijft ook roggelen en spugen. Iets wat de regering al tijden probeert in te dammen, wat niet lukt. Nu is dan toch wel het juiste moment zou je zeggen.

    Wanneer is het volgende partij congres, trouwens? Zou er dan ook een “niets aan de hand” tactiek worden toegepast?

    Wat ook een hoofbreker blijft is de grens van preventie maatregelen. De meeste mensen in Beijing dragen nu nog (bij 17 graden) 3 lagen lang ondergoed, beschermend tegen een mogelijkheid dat ze later last van hun knieen en botten zouden kunnen krijgen… Maar als je een mondkapje opdoet dan wordt dat gelijk bestempeld als “over reacting”.

